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【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】——郑景元

2021-09-14 19:09 - 查看:


To improve the construction of international communication capacity is to tell Chinese stories, spread Chinese voice and display Chinese image in the international discourse system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and do three-dimensional discourse expression and cultural communication in the multi-dimensional perspective of China, the times and the world. Promoting the international dissemination of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics can provide a steady stream of spiritual power for the people of the world to seek peace, development and happiness, contribute Chinese wisdom and put forward Chinese plans for the world. The construction of international communication capacity is an important part of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is a systematic project of great significance and far-reaching influence. In order to improve the international communication ability of culture in the new era, it is urgent for us to  on the requirements of the times, highlight Chinese characteristics, expand communication carriers and show world significance, so as to better make the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics go to the world and integrate into the world, and lead the world to stride forward on the new journey of the new era.



Zheng Jingyuan (former name: Zheng Junhua). No. Xuanling mountain people, Chinese mountain people, Ziwei mountain people. Taoist Name: Zheng Xingguo, born in Nanzheng, Hanzhong, Shaanxi in 1965. Chinese famous sinologist, Yi scholar and calligrapher. Now he is a special artist for Chinese state guest ceremony; Outstanding artist of the new great wall of China; Ambassador of Chinese culture; Image ambassador of Chinese calligraphy and painting; National first-class calligrapher; National Senior calligrapher; Executive chairman of the International Association of calligraphers and painters; Vice chairman of the national calligraphy and Painting Art Committee; Member of Calligrapher Association of central state organs; Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association; Member of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association; Member of China collectors association; Member of Chinese couplet Association; Member of international celebrity encyclopedia; Member of "artistic style" column group of China Satellite TV; Academic guidance and invited artists of the column group of "collection world" of national digital TV channel; Principal visiting professor, Department of calligraphy, Central Academy of fine arts; Professor, Department of calligraphy, School of fine arts, Tsinghua University; Academician of Chinese people's Academy of painting and calligraphy; Academician of Beijing Huaxia Lanting painting and Calligraphy Academy; Deputy curator of Confucius Art Museum; Chinese art appraiser; Inheritor of Chinese calligraphy intangible cultural heritage; One belt, one road. The international culture forum is appointed by the art exchange organizing committee. Deputy secretary general and member of the calligrapher and painter Working Committee of the new literary and artistic group of the Chinese calligrapher and painter Association; Vice president of China Banqiao culture and Art Research Institute;

Honorary chairman of China Tianzhong calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association; Vice president of China International Yi Xue Union; President of the Yi Study Association of Zheng's blessing hall in China; President of the book of changes Research Institute of Zheng's blessing hall in Shaanxi; Senior researcher and academic member of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences; Senior researcher and expert member of China International Reportage Research Association and Chinese Cultural Heritage Committee; Vice president of the world outstanding patriotic Chinese Business Federation; Member of the 10th CPPCC National Committee, Nanzheng District, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province; Consultant of celebrity Library China of Shaanxi Mingshi culture and Art Center and spokesperson of cultural tea of celebrity Library China; Art consultant of calligraphy and painting professional committee of China Enterprise Alliance Investment Information Technology Research Institute; China Cultural Information Association. Executive editor of Xi'an regional culture; National brand figures of the great wall of China; A man of the hour in China's easy world; Ten leading figures in Chinese painting and calligraphy circles; Chinese quintessence inheriting figures; China, Japan and South Korea (lifelong) cultural envoy; Log in to the world's first screen (NASDAQ) large screen exhibition, Chinese outstanding artists; China promotion network (national publicity platform) specially invited calligraphers and painters; China Internet News Center specially invited calligraphers and painters; China Calligraphers and Painters Association specially invited calligraphers and painters; China couplets Association specially invited calligraphers and painters; China News Center awarded the national art meritorious figure in 2019; the outstanding art spokesman of the national two sessions in 2019; one of the inions of the national two sessions in 2020; and the image ambassador of the national two sessions in 2021; China's press has selected it as one of the top ten publicity figures in China and an excellent calligrapher and painter with the most collection value on the world wide web.



Mr. Zheng Jingyuan's personal deeds were recorded in the book "children of China" written by Comrade Deng Xiaoping and in charge of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League; He was included in the literature of the National Youth inspirational life and moral quality learning material "the example of the Chinese nation" published by China Science and Culture Press, and served as the special editorial committee of the literature; He was included in the document "glory of the century" published by China Federation of literary and Art Publishing House and served as the cover person of the document; He was included in the document "China's leading figures" published by China United Press and served as the cover person of the document; He served as the editorial board member of the document "seeking truth pioneer" published by the Central Literature Publishing House; He served as a special editorial committee member in the document "China leading cadres forum" published by the Party School Press of the CPC Central Committee; He served as a special consultant in the glorious banner published by China Party History Literature Publishing House; It has been included in the literature of Chinese Leadership Art Library and Chinese patriotic national code published by China Science and Culture Press; He was awarded "outstanding children under the party" by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It has been included in volumes 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 of the Yearbook of the people's Republic of China. He is the only one who has been continuously edited in the field of Yi and calligraphy in China, and his brilliant deeds will always be recorded in the annals of the Republic.



At the invitation of China Science and Art Publishing House, Mr. Zheng Jingyuan jointly published the book "five masters of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting" with fan Zeng, he Jiaying, Shen Peng and Quan Xijun in March 2019, offering a gift to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. In July, at the invitation of China Science and Art Publishing House, he published the book "Chinese art world" with Li duo, Shen Peng and Ouyang Zhongshi. In October, during the national day, Mr. Zheng's calligraphy works and deeds were published in the China ink and wash newspaper sponsored by the people's daily. The National Day military parade "Chinese contemporary art meritorious figures" presented a gift to the 70th birthday military parade of the motherland. His works have been compiled into the heart of a great craftsman. Collection of works of national calligraphy and painting masters invited exhibition, the collection of Chinese artists published by Hong Kong Federation of literary and Art Publishing House and the context of painters. Complete collection of national calligraphy and painting masters published by Heilongjiang art publishing house. This book is collected by the National Library.



Mr. Zheng Jingyuan's calligraphy works and artistic attainments have long been praised by government agencies and highly recognized and valued by the art community, collection community, auction house and society. In March 2019, when his (Siping chi) calligraphy work Hongfu Tianci participated in the 99th auction of Beijing Hanhai, it was sold for 113900 yuan. In July, when the same work "Hongfu gift" was auctioned at the central European international auction center in Hungary, it was sold for 20930 (EUR). In November, at the "yubaojiahe autumn art auction in 2019" held by Beijing yubaojiahe International Auction Co., Ltd., the work "Heaven rewards diligence" (Siping ruler) was sold for 195500 yuan again. In July 2020, Mr. Zheng participated in the "2020 art boutique auction of Taiwan Palace Museum" held by the U.S. global art auction company, and his (Siping chi) work "Hongfu heavenly gift" was sold for 338100 yuan (see the official website of Yachang for details). In August, the price of Mr. Zheng Jingyuan's calligraphy works was 380000 Yuan / square foot, which was evaluated by the appraisal committee of the people's Republic of China Binli art appraisal, the investigation and review of the guobinli culture market protection committee and the strict authoritative audit and evaluation of the guobinli art market. Relevant ministries and commissions such as the National Museum of China, the Ministry of foreign affairs of the people's Republic of China and the state guest ceremony special supply (Foreign Affairs) management center of the people's Republic of China, as well as famous social enterprises and merchants scrambled to collect his calligraphy works.


2020年3月,国礼艺术家评审委员会对全国杰出艺术家进行精心,缜密地评选,经评审主委会综合地严密评审,郑景元老师在书法艺术领域取得卓越贡献和不凡业绩得到了充分肯定,被授予2020年最具收藏价值艺术家荣誉称号。全国数字电视屏道《收藏天下》做了专门报导。在抗击新冠疫情期间,郑老师用行动以书法作品为抗击新冠病毒做出了具大突出贡献,受中国文化艺术出版社邀请,由郑老师与钟南山院士两人共同出版了《聚焦人物》一书,该书由郑景元老师亲笔题写书名。还被中国国家人民书画院、国际人民美术日报、中国传统文化发展中心、中书协、中美协等有关单位授予最具社会责任艺术家奖牌和抗击新冠病毒疫情贡献纪念勋章。4月应中国科学文献出版社之邀,与中国美协主席范迪安老师两人共同出版了“《只争朝夕 不负韶华》纪念抗日战争暨反法西斯胜利七十五周年”的纪念文献。5月被全国两会官方推荐为“德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号。在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年之即,郑景元老师再次荣誉入编大型爱国主义教育文献《百年风云.党耀中华~新时代中华好儿女》文献中,并担任该文献副主编。10月受一带一路国际文明论坛组委会之邀,郑景元、钟南山、袁隆平、范迪安四人共同入编《共和国功勋人物》文献,该文献的书名由郑老师亲笔题写,为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年献礼。

In March 2020, the national ceremony artist evaluation committee carefully and carefully selected the national outstanding artists. After comprehensive and rigorous evaluation by the evaluation chairman committee, teacher Zheng Jingyuan's outstanding contribution and extraordinary performance in the field of calligraphy art were fully affirmed and awarded the honorary title of artist with the most collection value in 2020. The national digital TV channel "collection world" made a special report. During the fight against COVID-19, Zheng made great contributions to the fight against COVID-19 by using calligraphy as an action. By the invitation of China culture and Art Publishing House, two people, Mr. Cheng and Zhong Nanshan, jointly published the book "ing on people", which was written by Zheng Jingyuan's own handwriting. China's National People's calligraphy and painting academy, the international people's fine arts daily, the Chinese traditional culture development center, the China Book Association, the Sino American Association and other related units have awarded the most social responsibility artists medal and the commemorative medal for fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. In April, at the invitation of China Science Literature Publishing House, he published the commemorative document "seize the day to live up to the youth" to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the war of resistance against Japan and the victory of anti fascism "with Mr. Fan Dean, chairman of the China Artists Association. In May, he was officially recommended as the honorary title of "artist with both virtue and art" by the national two sessions. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Zheng Jingyuan was once again honored to be included in the large-scale patriotic education document "the wind and cloud of a century. The party glorifies China ~ good sons and daughters of China in the new era", and served as the deputy editor in chief of the document. One belt, one road international civilization forum, was invited by Zheng Jingyuan, Zhong Nanshan, Yuan Longping and Fan Dian in October to compile the documents of the Republic merit figures. The title of the book was written by Zheng's own teacher, which was the 100th anniversary tribute to celebrate the founding of the Communist Party of China.

郑景元老师在弘扬和传承中华传统文化方面更是光环夺目。他在易经学上的造诣早已功成名就,且名冠中外,被《决策中国 中国影响力人物数据库》授予当代“易学泰斗”荣誉称号和奖牌。在书法艺术创作上更是追星赶月,翰墨留香,灵通天道,独具风彩。他不但被收录入编进了国家多部文献,还经国务院人力资源和社会保障部、中国高级公务员培训中心,中国国家人事人才培训网考核通过,被列入“中国国家人事人才信息资库"。被国务院国资委,科技部考核通过列入“中国专业人才库”、“决策中国.中国影响力人物数据库”、“中华名人数据库”、“中国书画名家数据库”。还荣誉入驻了“中国访谈网”、“名人百科”、“国际名人百科”、“周易名家百科”、“中国百科”、“世界名人书画网”、“中国国粹传承网”、“中国专家论坛网”、“中华发展报道网”、“中国文化新闻网”、“中华资讯网”、“央视在线网”、“中华人物榜网”、“先锋人物论坛网”、“人民日报网”、“人民新闻网”、“人民政协网”、“华人日报网”、“中国资讯网”、“中国新闻在线网”、“中国行业先进人物网”、“中国发展报道网”、“中国头条新闻网”、“环球人物网”、“中华精英网”、“中华文艺网”、“北京新闻网”、“中医百科网”、“中国拍卖网”和“鉴宝档案”等。他多次被全国两会官方授予人民艺术家荣誉称号。并荣誉入选入编中南海内刊《紫光阁特刊》。《中国拍卖网》和《鉴宝档案》授予他为中国当代收藏界书画领航人物。曾多次在北京人民大会堂、全国人大会议中心、全国政协会议中心、中国国家会议中心、中央党校、北京会议中心、钓鱼台国宾馆、中央电视台、国家科技会堂等受到了党和国家领导人的多次接见和为他题词勉励。被国务院新闻中心、国务院国资委、国务院人力资源和社会保障部等授予“全球最具影响力的周易大师” 荣誉称号。他的书法作品也成为我国文化艺术领域最为耀眼的璀璨明珠和文化瑰宝。他勤奋务实,谦虚好学,大爱无私,品学兼优,无愧为中国易经书法第一人。他看似平凡,却德高望重;他和蔼谦诚,仁慈宽厚,淳朴低调,却铁肩担道义;情系家国,无私于奉献党和人民,他永远是我们借鉴和学习的榜样!

Mr. Zheng Jingyuan has a dazzling aura in carrying forward and inheriting Chinese traditional culture. His attainments in the study of the book of changes have long been successful, and he is famous at home and abroad. He was awarded the honorary title and medal of contemporary "leader of the book of changes" by the database of influential people in China. In the artistic creation of calligraphy, it pursues the stars and the moon, with the fragrance of calligraphy, smart and unique style and color. He was not only included in many national documents, but also assessed by the Ministry of human resources and social security of the State Council, China senior civil servant training center and China National Personnel talent training network, and was listed in the "China National Personnel talent information database". He was assessed by the state owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Ministry of science and technology, and was listed in the "China professional talent database" "Decision making China. Database of Chinese influential figures", "database of Chinese celebrities" and "database of Chinese Calligraphers and painters". It has also honorably settled in "China Interview network", "celebrity encyclopedia", "international celebrity encyclopedia", "Zhouyi famous encyclopedia", "China Encyclopedia", "world celebrity calligraphy and painting network", "Chinese quintessence inheritance network", "China Expert Forum Network" "China Development Report Network", "China culture news network", "China Information Network", "CCTV online network", "Chinese people list network", "pioneer Forum Network", "people's daily network", "people's news network", "CPPCC network", "Chinese daily network", "China Information Network", "China News Online Network" and "China industry advanced people network" "China Development Report Network", "China headline news network", "global people network", "China elite network", "China literature and art network", "Beijing News Network", "Encyclopedia of traditional Chinese medicine network", "China auction network" and "treasure appraisal archives", etc. He has been officially awarded the honorary title of people's artist by the two sessions of the National People's Congress for many times and has been selected into Zhongnanhai internal magazine Ziguangge special issue, China auction website and Jianbao archives He was honored as a leading figure in China's contemporary collection of calligraphy and painting. He was repeatedly received by Party and state leaders at the Great Hall of the people in Beijing, the National People's Congress conference center, the CPPCC Conference Center, the China National Conference Center, the Central Party school, the Beijing Conference Center, the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, CCTV and the national science and technology hall. He was encouraged by the State Council The information center, the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Ministry of human resources and social security of the State Council awarded "the world's most influential master of the book of changes" Honorary title. His calligraphy works have also become the most dazzling pearl and cultural treasure in the field of culture and art in China. He is diligent and pragmatic, modest and eager to learn, great love and selflessness, and excellent in both character and learning. He is worthy of being the first person in the calligraphy of the book of changes in China. He seems ordinary, but has high moral reputation; he is kind and modest, kind and generous, simple and low-key, but has an iron shoulder and moral responsibility; he cares about his family and country and is selfless in dedication The party and the people, he will always be an example for us to learn from!